Breathe Africa

Director of Breathe Africa International.

Vincent Oloo

He is a Certified Transformational Breath Senior Trainer™ and National Representative for the International Breathwork Foundation (IBF) in Kenya. A Certified Neuro
Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master. Mr. Oloo is a skilled life coach and listener, experienced trainer in Transformational Breath® and NLP, experienced Systemic Constellator and Team Organizer. His work as a Transformational Breath Trainer and facilitator includes creating a safe place for clients to express themselves, coaching them to gain clarity on what their goals are and make the goals smart. It is also his responsibility to guide them through a safe, gentle process of conscious connected breathing and holding a safe space for healing to take place.

Mr. Oloo has vast experience with diverse clients. He is indeed one of the most experienced Transformational Breath® trainers around the world working internationally. He organizes and hosts trainings in Kenya, Uganda and the UK.
Vincent will be the host/ organizer for the Global Inspiration Conference (GIC) in Kenya from 23rd to 30th July 2023 The GIC is organized annually in different country by the International Breathwork Foundation (IBF)